Rebecca Claire Wellness located in London, ON provides In-Home or Virtual Breastfeeding and Doula support as well as Prenatal Classes

Lactation Specialist and Doula


Breastfeeding is my passion.

I have been a breastfeeding/chestfeeding advocate since 2012 and even still, I am continuing to learn and be in awe of how amazing it is. The benefits of feeding our babies from our bodies are endless, for both baby and parent. The World Health Organization and Health Canada recommend breastfeeding exclusively for 6 months, with continued breastfeeding for up to two years (and beyond) and support is a big factor in getting there. From baby not latching to wellness issues that impact lactation, how you choose to feed your baby is instinctual and individual. It would be my absolute honour to help you feed in a way that feels best for you.


Are you getting ready to expand your heart in ways you never imagined?

The journey to parenthood is an adventure, with many roads to travel. I would love to guide you on your way. I am a seasoned breastfeeding specialist and doula with 11 + years of experience supporting families to grow and be well. Classes or workshops are a fabulous way to gather the information you need to birth and feed with joy, love, and confidence.

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Whether you’re a first time parent or this is your 2nd, 3rd, or 10th child, I believe you become a new parent with each birth. I can’t wait to support you as you find your way in this journey.

Monday, Wednesday, Friday

Tuesday, Thursday 12:30-3pm


Evening and weekend times may be available.